
Holger Hagenlocher

Holger Hagenlocher


Holger Hagenlocher


  • Aktuell:



Geschäftsführender Inhaber:

Weitere Tätigkeiten:

  • Existenzgründungskoordinator
    Durchführung der Impulsnachmittage im Netzwerk Existenzgründung
    Singen aktiv Standortmarketing e.V. / Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Singen
  • Veranstalter / Organisation der
    Founder Walks
    Netzwerktreffen für Gründungsinteressierte, aktuell Gründende, junge Unternehmen und Selbständige




    • 10/2017 – 09/2023
      Dozent / Lehrauftrag im Studiengang BWL-Handel – Schwerpunkt Marketing
      – Public Relations, Unternehmenskommunikation, Integrationsseminar: Transformation und Integrationsseminar: Krisenmanagement
      Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Mosbach
    • 10/2018 – 02/2021
      Lehrbeauftragter im Master-Studiengang Soziale Arbeit
      1) Public Affairs Management 2) Gesellschaft im Wandel: Digitalisierung 3) Moderieren und Präsentieren
      Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg (EH Freiburg)
    • 01/2008 – 06/2015
      Externer Manager für Marketing und Corporate Communications für die DACH-Region
      Harte-Hanks Trillium Software Germany GmbH (
      (Spezialanbieter für Datenmanagement/Datenqualität)
    • 08/2001 – 08/2011
      Externer Manager für Marketing & PR
      Software-Zentrum Böblingen/Sindelfingen e.V.
    • 02/2002 – 04/2010
      Inhaber / Geschäftsführer
      Artists 4U Künstleragentur
    • 09/1999 – 07/2001
      Leiter Marketing/PR
      Software-Zentrum Böblingen/Sindelfingen Vertrieb GmbH
    • 04/1997 – 03/1998
      New Business Development Manager
      Egmont Interactive GmbH
    • 03/1995 – 03/1997
      Marketing-Referent / Berater für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
      GEK – Gmünder Ersatzkasse
    • 10/1990 – 12/1994
      Zentrum Zinsholz (Jugendkulturzentrum)
    • 07/1990 – 09/1990
      Regionalverband Neckar-Alb
    • Seit 1989 Arbeit als freier Journalist, aktuell u.a. für die Wirtschaftsredaktion, die Kulturredaktion sowie die Lokalredaktion Singen des SÜDKURIERs



Ausbildung Holger Hagenlocher

    • Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Hohenheim mit Abschluss Diplom-Ökonom.
    • Daneben einige Semester Studium der Wirtschaftspädagogik (Uni Hohenheim).
    • Praktikum beim Regionalverband Neckar-Alb in Tübingen





Consulting and Services in Marketing & PR

Holger Hagenlocher is a graduate in Economics. He studied Economics and Financial Education at Hohenheim University in Germany.
After completing his studies, he began his professional career in the Marketing Department of a health insurance company as Marketing Consultant and Public Relations Advisor. In this capacity he was Head of Project with overall responsibility for the company’s first website, as well as being Project Manager for customer acquisition via direct marketing (mailshots, telephone marketing). He was also responsible for a young people’s magazine which was published at regular intervals. During this time, the insurance company’s customer base grew from just under 700,000 to more than 1.2 million members.
He then moved to a subsidiary of Egmont Holding (headquartered in Copenhagen,, an internationally active media company, where he took up the position of New Business Development Manager. The intention was for the subsidiary, Egmont Interactive GmbH, to establish its own proprietary online service (comparable with AOL). After the project was discontinued and the company dissolved, he supported the product marketing activities of Egmont’s Multimedia Software Division, firstly in a freelance capacity, and then with his own newly-founded agency.
In 1999 he took over marketing and PR activities at the Software Zentrum Böblingen/Sindelfingen e.V. (, where he has had responsibility for the Software Center’s organization for 12 years until 2011.
Also he is providing ongoing marketing and PR support to SMEs in the IT industry, representing these companies through his own agency as an external Marketing Department and Press Office (
Among others he worked over 8 years as an external manager for Harte-Hanks Trillium Software, a leading enabler of data quality solutions, with responsibility for marketing communications and public relations in the DACH area. In addition to these activities he was founder and owner manager of the artists agency “Artist4U”, located in Stuttgart, from 2001 till 2010.
Holger Hagenlocher remarks: “With the wide diversity of Marketing and PR tools available today, we mustn’t lose sight of corporate goals. To work effectively with modest means – that’s where the challenge lies.”

Skills, expertise and knowledge

  • Profound economic skills through my studies of Economic Sciences, among others with a focus on political economy, regional science and special theoretical economics.
  • Many years of experience in the fields of marketing, public relations and  journalism –  through my work in the media, associations and enterprises.
  • Extensive knowledge in the IT environment (Software, Hardware, Consulting) and the internet economy / ”new economy”.
  • In addition, experience in the fields of business, public sector, labor market, art, culture and music.
  • service oriented, efficient, reliable, with management and leadership skills.


Weitere Informationen zu meiner Person finden Sie auch bei XING und Linkedin.